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about samiur

some of my academic, professional, community, and industry experiences and contributions.

what I can do
programming: performant data structures, efficient algorithms, (micro)benchmarking, profiling, large distributed system design, computer architectures (x86, RISCV), OS (Linux and WindowsNT), C, C++(20), Rust, Go, Python (including Django, Flask), VHDL and hardware design
engineering: api design, scm (git), testing (unit, regression, end-to-end), documentation, writing with the goal of convincing smart people of a good idea, easing nerves when things get rough
math: proof-level graph theory, computational complexity analysis, linear algebra, probability, statistics. combinatorics, calculus, (hobby) group theory
corporate finance: accounting, valuation using 3-statement, dcf, transaction comp, trading comp, accretion/dilution analysis

some things I've written:
web services: very large HTML search engine service (500K document index, delivering results quickly within CONUS, C++, from scratch, sans OpenSSL), distributed system tracers, distributed KV stores, Django, Flask and golang services.
Operating system and userspace primitives: my own kernels(yato, rk), schedulers, MMUs, syscalls like fork(), exec(), mutex, CV, high performance memory allocators (replacing or intercepting malloc/free).
Network utilities: ping via ICMP, reimplemented TCP
Compilers: decaf language (targeting MIPS)

work and education
Meta (2024-): production @ whatsapp
Sabbatical (2022 - Sept 2023): to fill in holes in computing knowledge, Recurse Center (Sept 2023): programming retreat
Google (2020-2022): virtual data center turnup. Interned there summer of 2017 (street view infrastructure), 2018 (data infrastructure (formerly ads)), 2019 (virtual data center turnup).
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2016-2020): Computer Science student and Instructional Aide for EECS201 (CSPragmatics).